The Premium Wagyu
Grades A3, A4 and A5 pure-bred Kuroge Wagyu (Black Haired Wagyu) from Kagoshima, Saga, Kumamoto, and Oita, Japan with intensive marbling and succulence that sends the taste buds reeling. The rich contents of unsaturated fats and oleic acids stand out from any other beef. Slaughtering of only 40,000 heads each year in Japan, with less than 200 heads exported to Hong Kong, Kuroge Wagyu are certainly rare and valuable. To ensure food safety, each cattle is stringently processed and the traceability audit system in Japan allows to track down each cattle from birth to slaughter including breed, producers and ranches. The juicy fats melt in the mouth at just 27℃ and the Wagyu beef has a smooth, velvety tenderness that leaves an unmistakable taste and a sublime eating experience which keep your customers coming back for more.
Wagyu Ribeye
Wagyu Striploin
Wagyu Tenderloin