Le Dolo
Spain is world-renowned for its high-quality pork, is the second largest pork exporter in the EU and the third largest in the world, also is becoming the world's leading pork exporter to China. Le Dolo pork comes from Catalonia, a semi-autonomous region in northeastern corner of Spain. It borders with the Mediterranean Sea to the east, France to the north. Catalonia is a key sector representing 3/4 of the general meat production; Catalonia makes 2/3 of the Spanish pork meat exportations. The plant critically controls all processing stages according to the European regulations, strives to deliver the highest quality and safety guarantees to the customers. Farm pigs are feed naturally with cereals, the pork meat is low fat, tender, flavourful and succulence, good choice to healthy diet.
Skin on Pork Belly Strap
Pork Collar Steak Slice
Pork Rib Fingers
Pork Streaky Bacon Slice
Pork Tenderloin Steak
Pork Back Bacon Slice
Pork Loin Steak